
I’ve been singing since I was a small child. Singing has given me access to an experience of transcendence, and enabled me to share it with others. It connects me inwardly and with others, and enables me to access and share my deepest longings and my experience of love.

I began writing my own songs when I was in my mid-thirties. I say “writing my own songs,” but it would be more accurate to say that I began welcoming and giving voice to the songs I heard. I was in a period of intense introspection and psychological growth, and listened for what I most needed to hear. Sometimes, in response to my question, “What am I not seeing?”, posed to the universe at the beginning of a long walk, I’d begin to hear words and a melody playing gently in the back of my mind. As I turned my attention toward what I was hearing, and let if flow through my voice and my body, it evolved into the song I needed to hear. I began sharing my own songs, and found they moved others, as well.

I have produced 4 CDs, which you can read about below. Click the links below an image to read more about a CD, listen to the recordings, and read lyrics. I am delighted to share my music, and invite you to enjoy it, share it, and use it freely, (with proper attribution of course).

I have a limited number of each of the CDs left. If you’d like to own one, please let me know.


Songs of blossoming, living, loving, saying good-bye,
and the faith and courage to do it all again and again







Written during an intense period of introspection and psycho-spiritual growth, the songs on “All Here!” are whispers of my soul.







My first recording, “Calling My Wisdom Home,” includes several of my own songs and covers of my favorite songs by other contemporary singer-songwriters.








Evert Taube (1890-1976) is arguably Sweden’s most beloved troubadour. I first learned to know and love Taube’s songs when I was an exchange student in Sweden. I am delighted to present this collection of my translations and renditions of several of my favorite Taube songs.